Meltdown Alert!!! DR Tony Xia Has Everything To Prove

the_moral_high_ground_by_papapalpatine2008-d9ecggvVilla fans telling other Villa fans to calm down, stop moaning, have patience and a whole lot of other self-righteous clichés is hilarious and annoying, especially when they’re only expressing their opinions on how the every day dramas at Aston Villa are going. For many years Villa fans have had to put up with quite a lot, I mean a lot! So for any Villa fan to dismiss the considered opinions of another when they have genuine concerns is laughable!

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all hear what we wanted to hear? Well guess what? Life isn’t like that brother and sisters! We all have different thoughts and views on a whole host of things in life, and nobody’s opinion is wrong! If you don’t agree with what someone has to say, wouldn’t it be better to challenge their views without the usual belittling clichés that are trolled out? Who knows, your point of view could be changed to a better one, if only you would listen and didn’t try to take the moral high ground all the time to earn re-tweets and likes.

Meltdown Alert, Meltdown Alert!!! One half of a friendly didn’t go so well on Saturday afternoon, and many Villa fans honestly think that there is a real cause for concern there! Watching them play that second half against Middlesbrough brought back some real bad memories for me! Patience, Patience, Give them time I hear you say!!! UGH!!! Whinger Alert, Whinger Alert!!! Really, why haven’t we conducted most of our business regarding incoming players by now? Hey, don’t you dare show any concern regarding that situation, there’s still a month to go before the transfer window closes I’ll have you know!!!

There are plenty of Villa fans out there running to the defence of our new owner Dr Xia now that he’s on Twitter. God help anyone if they dare to question the Doctor!!! Well you know something, 99% of Villa fans including myself, are giving him a chance, BUT HE STILL HAS EVERYTHING TO PROVE, RIGHT? The way he reacted to the opinion of a pundit today didn’t impress me, not in the slightest! In fact it worried me a little! Makes me think if things are really running smooth behind the scenes! Oooooooh, I can hear the clichés coming my way, ha ha!!! UTV

2 Replies to “Meltdown Alert!!! DR Tony Xia Has Everything To Prove”

  1. Randy used to sit back and let his YES men do all the running.At last we have an owner who wears his heart on his sleeve,and will defend his club to the hilt . Dr x has ruffled a few feathers So what !! This is a new begining for Villa and I am loving it.

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